How Can You Unclog a Toilet in Stony Brook, NY?

White toilet bowl in a bathroom

Whether you call it a toilet, a throne or a commode, when it’s clogged, you’ve got to take action right away. That’s why we’re going to tell you how to unclog a toilet in Stony Brook, NY.

How to Unclog a Toilet in Stony Brook, NY

We all take out toilets for granted—until they get clogged. Then there’s that panic moment when you stand there hoping the thing won’t actually overflow, quickly replaced by either immediate disgust or immediate relief. And then there’s that head-scratching moment when you wonder how to fix the situation. Here’s our step-by-step guide to unclogging a toilet:

  • Don’t panic. It won’t do you any good—plus, a clogged toilet is usually a quick fix if you know what to do!
  • Clean up any overflow. You need to do this to minimize water damage, as well as to keep your bathroom hygienic.
  • Remove water from the basin. Wearing sturdy rubber gloves, get a bucket and a smaller container and scoop as much water as possible out of the toilet basin.
  • Use a plunger. Place the plunger over the drain in the basin, then pump it up and down a number of times and remove it. It should start breaking up due to the suction. Repeat this process as many times as necessary to break up the clog in its entirety.
  • Flush the toilet. If the water drains away as usual, you’ve successfully unclogged the toilet!
  • Dispose of the water in the bucket and clean up. Make sure the toilet, all the equipment you used and the toilet floor are all properly cleaned.

Call Outstanding to Unclog a Toilet in Stony Brook, NY

It doesn’t happen often, but sometimes a clogged toilet is caused by a problem further into the draining system. If the plunger doesn’t resolve your problem, then contact the expert plumbers at Outstanding. We have the expertise and the equipment to non-invasively determine where the clog is located and remove it quickly and cost-effectively. So don’t worry and don’t wait: call Outstanding today!

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