We’ve already had our first major heat wave of the summer, and the weather isn’t going to get any cooler in August, so it’s important to make sure that your air conditioner is in tip-top shape, and able to handle the heat waves to come in August.
There are certain things you can do on your own to help keep your system running efficiently, including:
Regularly replacing air filters. HEPA filters offer more filtration of molds, dust, and allergens and improve indoor air quality, however, they can clog more easily, so it’s important to check them and replace when necessary. A clogged filter can increase your energy expenditure. Air conditioners are one of the biggest contributors to high energy bills, so the more efficient your unit, the more you’ll save.
Make it a point to call a qualified professional such as Outstanding Plumbing, and have them perform an annual, or biannual maintenance service. Larger homes, or homes with pets or people with allergy or breathing issues will want a bi-annual service, while smaller homes may be able to get away with doing it once a year.
Spring and fall are the most popular times to have these services done because summer and winter are when your unit is working the hardest.
Make sure that your outdoor condensing unit is kept free of debris. After mowing the lawn, storms, and even windy days check for lawn clippings, leaves, sticks and any other items that can blow inside and stop it from working properly. A unit blocked by debris doesn’t have the airflow it needs to function efficiently. And don’t forget that if your unit ever needs repair, there must be room for the repairman to work. Be sure to provide proper clearance around the unit!
Taking the time to prepare in advance can save you from high energy bills, and keep your unit running smoothly for years to come.